Welcome to Northern Nights Theater
Manager contact: 907-650-7626
Welcome to Northern Nights Theater
Manager contact: 907-650-7626
Manager contact: 907-650-7626
Manager contact: 907-650-7626
Welcome to Compass NNT in beautiful Petersburg, Alaska
Friday and Saturday doors open at 6:30 PM
Show starts at 7:00 PM
Sunday Matinee doors open at 3:30 PM
Show starts at 4:00PM
Theater etiquette includes sitting in your seat, keeping food in packaging or mouths, being quiet and respectful, not being on your cell phone, no throwing of items, no vaping or using any other substance and simply being a good citizen of our community.
Youth who fail to abide by the theater etiquette expectations will be banned from showings in the future.
RATED R movies are 18+. Individuals younger than 18 will require a legal parent or guardian to stay with them during the entire showing of the movie. All tickets are at adult prices for Rated R movies.
Thank you for your support!
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Manager contact number 907 650 7626 email contact preferred northernnightstheater@gmail.com
Friday & Saturday: Doors open at 6:30pm, Show at 7:00pm
Sunday: Doors open at 3:30pm, Show at 4:00pm
Compass Theater began in 1997 as a non-profit organization. We have a joint partnership with the Petersburg School District and share the Wright Auditorium with them. Part of this partnership means we only hire teens who are students at the Middle or High Schools.
We reached our twenty year anniversary! 1997-2017.
We are always looking for volunteers to be part of our adult board! Being a board member means free popcorn :)
What are the rules regarding rated R movies?
Rated R movies requires adult present for children 17 and under. This means a parent or guardian must accompany the youth for the entire showing. Notes and phone calls will not be accepted.
All tickets sold for Rated R movies are at the Adult price of $12.00.
Can I bring my own food into the theater?
No you cannot. The products we sell at concessions should be enough to satisfy your movie munchies and are much easier to clean up than what you bring. Water bottles are ok.
Where should I dispose of my garbage?
Garbage cans are located in the lobby, and outside of each entrance into the theater. Thank you for cleaning up after yourselves!